Master of European Design


This video is promoting 20years of Master European Design Studies Programm (Medes) at KISD.

The video was presented and premiered at the Europatag of TH Köln / may 9th 2019 / Melvissensaal TH Köln / Cologne.

In collaboration with David Martens and supervision with Lisa Janßen and Prof. Nina Juric for Köln International School of Design.


MEDes is a unique program joined by seven Universities in Europe. In this program, one can find themselves within their Bachelor and Master Degree in three different European countries, getting to know three different perspectives on design. Initiated by International Committee / KISD David Martens and me as Medes students created the video and worked in collaboration and supervision with Lisa Janßen and Prof. Nina Juric for Köln International School of Design. 

ROLE Communication Design, Motion Design

SOFTWARE  Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro

FIELD OF EXPERTISE Visual Communication

KEYWORDS Corporate Identity / Visuals / Animation / Graphic Design / Communication / Accessibility

MEDIA Carolin Schabbing

TEXT David Martens