"Alle origini di Quarto potere"



„Alle origini di Quarto potere“ of Massimiliano Studer.

This Booktrailer was made in collaboration of  Francesca Brotto, Sara Pianori, Carolin Schabbing and Valeria Zanirato.

The Booktrailer should give insight into how the film by Wells was discovered and what Orson Wells was telling in his movie. Important was the accessibility of the book trailer for individuals with special needs. Therefore we worked together with Davide Foletto who created with us the voice over. The team did the motion graphics. My contribution to the team by illustrating and animating the chest, NewYork City, the house and the Newspaper. Besides that we were working with real imagery from the film by Wells, combined with animatic graphics in Cinema 4D, Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects, to create a visual bridge of how the unpublished film was found and the cultural and political context of the movie playing in the 1930th of New York. The Booktrailer has been published by Mimesis Booktrailer.

ROLE Communication Design, Motion Design

SOFTWARE Cinema4D, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro

FIELD OF EXPERTISE Visual Communication

KEYWORDS Corporate Identity / Visuals / Animation / Graphic Design / Communication / Accessibility

MEDIA Francesca Brotto, Sara Pianori, Carolin Schabbing and Valeria Zanirato